Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Exchange Server User Monitor

Ever wonder why some people get that little pop-up in outlook “trying to contact exchange server” or why it takes several minutes to download that attachment? Here is a tool that evaluates and gathers real-time data about the users in the environment. It will tell you about current client usage patterns and who are the offending users of high traffic on the Exchange Server.

Exmon is capable of showing information such as IP addresses used by clients, Outlook versions and mode, CPU usage, and Server-side latency. You can also export the data collected to Excel, Access or SQL, for reporting. This will give a person the ability to take a baseline, plan ahead for upgrades or help in troubleshoot issues.

This is a really a cool tool for Admins that need help in troubleshooting delays in Exchange / Outlook. Here is where you can get it. http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?FamilyID=9a49c22e-e0c7-4b7c-acef-729d48af7bc9&DisplayLang=en

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