What do West Wing, Firefly, Star Trek Next Generation, Matrix, and Battlestar Galactica have in common?
Many of the main characters from these shows have a role in the new Mass Effect 2 game from Bioware. Check this link out..
Welcome to Steve's Rant Blog. This is a place where I will talk about cool "geek" toys and tips. As well as anything that is bugging me. Disclaimer: I am not really PC or G-Rated, so be advised. My thoughts and opinions are mine and mine alone. If you don't agree with me, you are entitled to your opinion.
What do West Wing, Firefly, Star Trek Next Generation, Matrix, and Battlestar Galactica have in common?
Many of the main characters from these shows have a role in the new Mass Effect 2 game from Bioware. Check this link out..
This holiday season, we finished my oldest daughter's new room, formerly known as the PIT. This was my office, done in mantastic ode to dead computer crap and stuff that you may need..one day.. It had this brown wood paneling and cork board on "most" of the walls. I took all of that down, remove the glue remnants, and patch the holes. There were many many holes in the wall, wondering.. where they all came from.. I even missed a few.. hundred… but, she will not notice.. I put a coat of primer and then began to paint. It is a light pink (Disney - Fairest of them all) and a darker pink for the trim. My wife painted the bed frame, chest of drawers and headboard in the same colors. Some posers and some of her stuff.. and (poof).. it is now a little girls room. Now, both girls have their own room and I am relegated to the bedroom to play the Xbox and computer on the 36" flatpanel.. I do like having the computer on the big screen, 1920x1400 resolution, with a wireless mouse and keyboard. Guild Wars looks very nice, but Oblivion looks even better.
I did manage to play a lot of Dragon Age and Guild Wars this weekend. I think that I am almost done with my main human campaign in DA. I just have to go up against the ArchDemon, which is a badass dragon. But, with me as a warrior and my damage-dealer, Morrigan, we should do fine. But, time will tell.
“We’re delivering some truly exciting social entertainment experiences to our members,” said Whitten. “Xbox LIVE’s differentiator has always been our community, and we’ve already seen a tremendous response to these features in our public preview. It’s the community that drives us forward and allows us to pioneer new ways of connecting people through the entertainment they love.”
In addition to these social features, Xbox LIVE will also be debuting “News and More,” a new section of the “Inside Xbox” channel, transforming Xbox LIVE into a full-fledged media portal. With a regularly-updated stream of content from MSNBC, The New Yorker and Dilbert, “News and More” brings the latest in current events, arts and entertainment right to your fingertips.
http://www.xbox.com/en-US/support/systemupdates/default.htmIT organizations can leverage VMware vCenter CapacityIQ in a number of scenarios, including:
There is a potential issue with a patch in the October Security Updates may break Office Communication Server. The front-end service will not start, and the access-edge service will not start.
Microsoft October Security Update 974571 Breaks Office Communications Server
Currently, there is no resolution, besides uninstall the update.
Since we all are looking to monitor our ESX servers, a lot of people are asking how to configure SNMP on their ESX servers so that they can be monitored via a third party product. Seems like a pretty logical question, so here's how you do it.
To enable SNMP on ESX Server version 3.5:
Of course, the exact commands, paths, and etc may vary based upon your particular implementation but you should be able to get there from here.
For more information, visit the VM Ware page on how to configure SNMP on the ESX Server.
Today is my day that I am going to a bit of ranting about things that are bothering me…
Let's begin with last weekend, the wife, the kiddies, and I were all at the local farmer's market getting vegetables and stuff. They usually have some local "talent" (yes, I am putting that in quote fingers) there to entertain the people walking around. This week there was a young woman who was playing a guitar and singing (badly), who I really was not really paying enough attention to, up until… It registered what she was singing. It was an old Concrete Blonde song from the 80s. I asked my wife "How could she utterly butcher Concrete Blonde!!!???!!! Wasn't that a crime?"
This morning on the local radio station, 94.7 FM, they were playing a song from a local "artist" (notice the quotes) of a famous Depeche Mode song, Personal Jesus. I actually felt my ears starting to bleed from the drunken monkey karaoke, attempting to sing a perfectly good song. I actually had to change the channel before I started yelling at my radio (which would look bad) or getting into an accident on the freeway. Is that is what is passing for music these days? No, seriously? Please, for the love of good musical taste, burn that CD.
To top it off, people are trying to take out my little red truck. I am driving in a straight line on the freeway, minding my own business… and people are trying to move over on me.. Can't you see me.. Hello.. Driving here… Little Red Truck!!!
It seems like every time I P2V a Windows 2000 Server (SP4), Remote desktop (TS) services stops working. I found in the TS Manager states that the port is "down" and there is no way to click enable. I was able to use RDP from my XP box to admin the server before the convert. So, I know that it "did" work. Just to be clear. This is not a TS Server or some special remote box. It is a standard Windows 2000 Server with SP4 running some applications.
I have been bitten by network cards or hidden interfaces during previous migrations. I, now, remove the network card from the P2V process. I then re-add it manually to the image after everything is complete. I put in all of the IPs, etc... after the convert. Currently the image is set to Flexible and is connected / connect at power on. The VM is using "VMWare Accelerated AMD PCNet Adapter" I do not see an option to change from one adapter to another within ESX 3.5 Update 4.
So.. Here is what I have done at this point.
1. I have rebooted the box several times
2. I have uninstalled, rebooted, installed the TS service again
3. There are no events in the event log either on the client or the server
4. In the Terminal Service Manager, it states that the RDP-TCP (65537) is down
5. The Terminal Service Process is started and running in automatic
6. VMWare tools are installed and up-to-date
7. The client gets the "This computer can't connect to the remote computer" error message
8. Clents were able to RDP from their XP boxes to this Windows 2000 SP4 server prior to the P2V
9. I have removed it from the domain and re-added it to the domain
I think that about covers it.
Here is the solution to the issue.
Remote Desktop Protocol Clients Cannot Connect to Terminal Services Server
Scoops – the children's manicure/pedicure spa.
As part of the birthday experience, we treated my oldest to a manicure/pedicure treatment. She was really excited (high anxiety) about this for several weeks prior. So, I wanted to make sure that everything was perfect, being her first 'girly' experience. I called and made a mommy/daughter appointment in Scoops, so mommy would get one also and be setting the example. When we arrived, I confirmed the appointment that it was a mommy / daughter set, time, etc… Mommy took my oldest, while I played with the young one in the water. After about 30 minutes, we finally made it out of the water and made it up to Scoops, where we found mommy. I was curious why mommy was not getting her nails done with the birthday girl. I attempted to inquire why, but was shot down very quickly. After the birthday girl finished and we left Scoops, I was like.. okay.. what happened??!!!??? Mommy informed me that they had messed up the appointment. They had it for the birthday girl, but not her in Scoops. They had her appointment in the adult spa. There was only 2 'stylists' available and they were booked and they were not able to move another stylist over to service the adult. Mommy was going to go and talk with them, but the Birthday Girl was not letting go of the mommy.
She made me calm down, since she knows that I would go ballistic over something like this. The important thing is that the Birthday Girl was happy. She could not stop looking at her fingers and toes all the way home. It was well worth the money to see her this happy. I am just not pleased about after all of the effort that I went through to make sure that both my wife and my oldest daughter to have a great first experience and I get an epic failure.. Can't win for loosing…
I have been asked, recently, about “how do I make my VMs run better?” This is a loading question, if I have ever heard one. There are a lot of things that you can do to increase the performance of the Virtual Machines on an ESX host.
In a SAN environment, one things that you can do to increase the performance of your VMs, is to align the partition. 64KB Track Alignment for both the physical host and the VM partitions yield I/O performance improvements, such as, reduced latency and increased throughput.
An unaligned partition results in a track crossing and an additional I/O, incurring a penalty on latency and throughput. The additional I/O (especially if small) can impact system resources significantly on some host types. An aligned partitions ensures that the single I/O is serviced by a single device, eliminating the additional I/O and resulting in overall performance improvement.
You need to align, not only the SAN LUN, but the VMFS Partition and all guests on the ESX server. Here is a link to the VMWare document that explains the “How To”. Link
I colleague of mine came across this article and I had to share. It is a very technical read, but very relevant to all SAN environments. Anyone that is using VMWare should read this and understand the performance impact to your SAN.
“There was an interesting discussion/whiteboard around the topic of storage network design around FC/FCoE (though this applies to iSCSI as well). The Cisco folks made some really interesting analogies with VoIP and TP “micro-bursting” that I thought were awesome and I wanted to share.
It’s also the reason why there is so much discussion around LUN queues and queue management in vSphere. It’s not just EMC with PowerPath/VE, but I’ve heard 3Par start to talk about “adaptive queuing”, and last week Dell/EqualLogic announced their own addition to the Pluggable Storage Architecture. It’s all about the vStorage APIs, baby :-)
It’s apropos based on the recent discussion over queuing and comparisons of NFS and block-based storage options here.
Lastly, it’s also a topic of discussion based a recent post here on the topic of whether MPPs like PowerPath/VE are there to help “legacy” arrays and whether “virtualized” arrays get any benefit from more host-side sophistication. I’ve also heard the implication that NMP + Round Robin + ALUA are good enough in all cases – if you choose the right array :-)
Vaughn and I tend to agree a LOT – and we do, much more than we disagree. We both are super into VMware, which means there’s a lot of things we share. But there are times when we disagree – and this is one of them.
But this isn’t about EMC or Netapp, and isn’t personal, it’s core technical fundamentals – and apply to all storage vendors. If you want to understand and learn more – read on!
I will say this – with all arrays – EMC’s, HP’s, HDS’s IBM’s, and NetApp’s – all of them, the back-end design DOES matter, and you should look at it closely – and they are all wildly different architecturally. Each has their advantages and disadvantages – and usually what makes them an advantage in one circumstance is a disadvantage with another. This is why I’m personally of the opinion that it’s more about knowing how to leverage what you happen to have.”
Firstly, I want to begin with a big disclaimer – this my approach to the P2V’d Virtual Machine. I accept ABSOLUTELY no responsibility for any unforeseen and unwanted side-effects.
Most of you know or have read that I have taken a new position, no longer with Comcast. In the new job, I have become “Virtual Boy”, dealing with everything Virtual. So, I thought that I would pass along some of my insight for your P2V / V2V ventures. This will probably be a multiple part message.. So, bare with me.
Windows 2000 servers are probably what most people are trying to get rid of in their environment, but can’t seem too... because of software limitations. These are also the most problematic to virtualize. Here are some items that you need to be aware of during your migration process.
Pre-Migration Process
Post-Migration Process
I will append to this entry as I remember or find things to post about.